Your future
is bright
Unlock the secrets of your personality to create your perfect career path.



TypeFocus has a heart heartfor students.

"I founded TypeFocus in 1997 with a singular goal: the success of our students. From the outset, our mission has been to empower individuals with profound insights into themselves, leveraging that knowledge to make informed career choices.


I received my B.A. in Psychology from the University of British Columbia, then completed my M.A. in Psychology from McGill University, and spent time towards a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand during a sabbatical. I earned another M.A. in Public Administration from the University of Victoria, taught Psychology at Thompson Rivers University, worked as the Director of Education at Juan de Fuca Hospitals, consulted with the government of British Columbia on personnel topics, and led sessions at numerous career conferences.Over the years, TypeFocus has evolved to meet the changing needs of our students. Our team honed our program to incorporate the latest advancements in personality and career assessment tools, ensuring that our students receive the most accurate and relevant insights. The journey of self-discovery is at the core of what we do, helping students unlock their full potential. As we look to the future, our dedication to the success and fulfillment of our students remains unwavering. Through TypeFocus, we aim to be a guiding force, equipping individuals with the tools they need not only to navigate their careers but to lead lives that resonate with authenticity and purpose."

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TypeFocus Programs

The leading developer of career assessments specifically designed for colleges and universities.
130+ Schools Use Typefocus with over a million Assessments Taken

A small sample of our clients

Prices for an unlimited access for all your students, faculty, and alumni are surprisingly reasonable and based on enrollment. Your students never have to pay.

Getting Started with TypeFocus is easy

Start with a Zoom orientation

Then you will know whether TypeFocus will meet your needs. Affirm your decision with a no-obligation guest pass.

We Build your site

You don’t have to do anything, and your site is hosted by Calligo cloud services an internationally recognized leader in cyber security, so your data is safe and only needs a link on your website.


The site is easy to use for both your students and your counselors and advisors.


We provide all the training needed to make implementation easy and effective.

The TypeFocus Careers Program has feedback scores averaging 4.5 out of 5.0 stars.

We’ve been in the business of helping students understand themselves for over 20 years. Our programs are encouraging, holistic, fairly priced, accurate and user-friendly.

Follow your passion

Only by knowing yourself will you be able to make the right decisions about your career - decisions that reflect your most important personal values and concerns. Barbara Moses

  • What is your purpose in life?
  • What activities give you a profound sense of accomplishment?
  • There is no single answer for everyone.
  • TypeFocus will develop and customize your career path, so you are setting the stage for a fulfilled life based on your unique preferences.


When my organization was looking for an assessment software package that could really impact our students, we believed it was important that the software be accurate, and easy to understand and require a minimum number of resources to distribute. TypeFocus V7 checked all those boxes.

Ryan Rishling, M.A.
Former Senior Specialist, Career & Transfer Services,
College of Southern Nevada

Validated assessments

TypeFocus uses the classic four assessments of personality, interests, skills, and values. We also offer an integrated at-risk assessment that provides immediate feedback on whether the student is thriving or failing on your campus. As your students customize their Career Path based on your own majors, your retention numbers go up.

Full range of reports

TypeFocus has as much to offer your Seniors and alumni as it does for your first-year students. Branding, networking, interview skills, advanced employability skills, are all part of the program. So, TypeFocus supports your students from the first day they attend classes right through their graduation and into their careers.

Become TypeFocus certified

The TypeFocus Certification Program offers career counselors, advisors and coaches the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge around personality type theory and applications. Many schools take advantage of the reasonable pricing to offer the program as a professional development option for all their counseling/advising staff.


This training provided a much more comprehensive look into MBTI, which has strengthened my ability to debrief and discuss results with my clients.

This training was flexible, fit in well with my full-time work schedule, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about how type assessments can enhance their career development practice.

Tara Burnett
Employment Specialist
Make a Change

Recruit sensibly!

The TypeFocus Find Your Match Program matches visitors with the programs at your school that are a good match to their strengths and preferences. It results in more students and higher retention rates. This program won of the Gold Paragon Award from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations!


We are so excited to start using the TypeFocus - Find Your Match tool here at Humber!

The TypeFocus team was amazing to work with and so receptive to helping us implement the tool for our new recruitment plan.

Joy Borman
Manager, New Student Recruitment & Advising, Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

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